Brentuximab Vedotin Plus Chemotherapy for Stage III or IV Hodgkin Lymphoma Case

Brentuximab Vedotin Plus Chemotherapy for Stage III or IV Hodgkin Lymphoma Case

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Author: Dr. Jia Li (Lily) Liu, Internal Medicine PGY-2, McGill University
Reviewer: Dr. Kelly Davison, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, McGill University

After completion of this self-assessment module, the learner will be able to:
1. Describe the staging system for Hodgkin Lymphoma.
2. Describe favourable versus unfavourable risk Hodgkin Lymphoma.
3. Describe the first-line therapy used to treat Stage III or IV Hodgkin Lymphoma.
4. Describe the adverse effects of Brentuximab VedoGn + AVD.

CHS Scientific Planning Committee

Dr. Pallavi Ganguli – Resident Physician, Hematology
Danyal Ladha – Resident Physician, Hematology
Dr. Joanne Britto – Clinical Fellow, Malignant Hematology (Lymphoproliferative Disorders)
Dr. Yan Xu – Fellow Physician, Hematology/Thrombosis
Dr. Siraj Mithoowani – Clinical Hematologist at St. Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton
Dr. Hassan Sibai – Assistant Professor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto and Staff Physician,
Division of Medical Hematology & Oncology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Conflict of Interest: None